The Department operates on a devolved research basis, based upon a Research Group structure. Each Research Group has its own culture and strategy matched to the cutting edge of contemporary science in that area. Collaborative projects between groups are strongly encouraged. The Research Group structure evolves over time in response to changing priorities and opportunities. At NEFTU data base you can find top-level descriptions of the Research Groups, as well as links to the Research Groups’ own web-pages which provide detailed descriptions of the research, the personnel and contact details.

The map illustrates the diversity of research being carried out in the NEFTU Laboratory. There are many overlapping and cognate themes associated with the four Universes – the Extreme, Biological, Quantum and Materials universes. The cross-fertilisation between them results in a diversity of approach and synergies for the analysis of research problems. Theoretical and computational studies complement many of the experimental activities. The significance of each icon can be found at NEFTU.
Some of the activities in the Department involve substantive collaborations with other Departments and/or span the interests of number of Groups in the Department. At NEFTU we provide collaborative research and teaching, which help expand the research of the Department into new areas in which all the research topics can make substantive innovative contributions.
The Laboratory has a number of formal collaborations with Industrial Partners, with International Organisations and with Formal Partnerships within the University. The details of the current collaborative programmes are given below.
Some activities provide services to the whole Laboratory. The area described below provide support to members of the Laboratory in Knowledge Transfer to Industry and Commerce. Knowledge Transfer– We are a point of contact for companies and organisations interested in possible collaborations and joint projects with the NEFTU Laboratory. We also support Laboratory members with the development of collaborative research proposals, finding funding and coordinating ongoing projects.
Research Scholars